Organising tips from other parents of children with disability
Mums of children with additional needs share their tips for keeping on top of everything that needs to be done:
After a hospital stay or a week of a child being sick, I pack up laundry in a garbage bag and drop it off for a wash, dry and fold service. It’s about $15 per load but it’s a huge relief to come home to clean folded laundry.
– Jennifer
I scan any medical reports and letters I get from my child’s team with an app called FastScannerPro. It takes a photo to scan the letter and then you can save and email as a PDF.
– Kylee
I made life books for my children and keep updating them. All important documents and information are in them – it’s easy to take these to appointments and keep track that way.
– Marianne
I have a dinner plan for the week up on the fridge to get it out of my head and everyone knows what we are having. When I have the plan up everyone seems to look forward to what we are having and appreciate it with less complaining!
– Meetmeundertheoaktree
I have a big blue folder that keeps all my documents in one place and a diary. I also have a daily meds planner and a weekly board so that everyone knows what’s happening when and if one of us needs to do something else the other one can take over.
– Jessica
I have a full sized planner with all mine and my child’s appointments and to-dos in it, so our whole week is there at a glance.
– Fiona
Originally I used to keep everything together in a folder. Now, I ask for all paperwork and receipts to
be sent via email. I then place the emails into subfolders…this way whenever I need paperwork I can access it and send anytime, anywhere. I also have back- up copies on a hardrive.
– Lish
I have a menu planner and shopping list which keeps my budget on check and shows me exactly what I need. I shop with Coles online and simply pick up my groceries at a specified time free of charge.
– Leigh
A whiteboard in the house works wonders for my daughter. Whether it’s to write down a list of things she needs to do after school, deciding on meals to be cooked for the week or just writing down how we feel.
– Jacinta
The slow cooker is a valuable tool. Chuck everything in in the morning and dinner is ready when everyone needs it. No mess, no stress!
– Moira
I like to keep a notebook with minutes of meetings with clinicians, equipment trials, any questions for clinicians etc. When enquiring about things I like to email so there’s a paper trail to refer to; phone calls are good but I always ask for responses in writing too – then you’ve always got your back covered.
– Tracey