My son has made me a different kind of mum
By Kelly Wilton
Having you in my life was not what I expected. If I had been given some warning, I would have loved some insight into the joy of having a different kind of child and how it would make me a ‘different kind of mum’. Not a ‘better than anyone else mum’, just a different kind of mum.
You have taught me:
To slow down. There is far too much rush in our daily lives; just the sheer routine of school, work, friends and family is enough, then throw into the mix hospital stays, appointments, therapies and keeping up with the paperwork required to push for what you need to participate fully in life. All of this just illustrates the fact that we need to slow down. Whether we spend a weekend at home and hit a few local parks, or just potter in the garden, playing with your sisters on your bike or watching movies – whatever version of a slow weekend we have, highlights to me that FOMO (fear of missing out) doesn’t live at our house anymore. We aren’t missing out on anything by staying home, we are connected as a family, because you have shown us the importance of slowing down.
To laugh often. There is not a day that goes by that you don’t make us smile or laugh with your wicked sense of humour. You have a playfulness and cheekiness that is just part of your personality. At nearly 7 years of age, you have been through so much – more than I have in my 41 years – yet, here you are; finding joy, laughter and love in the everyday.
To appreciate life. Life isn’t easy. Gameshows are easy, but not life. Life is the hardest game you will ever participate in! It has players, obstacles and challenges that won’t be found anywhere else. It is up to us to appreciate life in whatever way it comes at us. If we don’t, we will miss the beauty, the lessons and the paths that are being presented to us. You show us that to appreciate life, is to accept it as it comes and then make the most of it!
Overcome, adapt and evolve – this is how you have shown me to appreciate life and become the mum that I am today. Thank you.