6 quick and easy at home adaptations for your child’s safety
If you are looking for an easy way to bump up the safety of your home without making any massive structural changes or spending a fortune, this is the article to read. The market is full of ingenious ideas to help keep your child out of danger and your heart rate at a regulated pace. Guaranteed (almost).
Additions for your house
1. Door knob covers:
Peace of mind if your child likes to take themselves off on adventures in the great outdoors or ff you need to keep certain rooms out of bounds for any reason.
2. Cover/Guard/Protect/Shield it:
If you baby-proofed for any of your children you’ll have these covered. Covering spaces that little fingers might like to explore is so worth it.
3. Alarm it:
If the door knob protectors, safety gates and window locks aren’t working any more, or you think they may be breached, or you just like to be extra-sure, you can invest in window and door alarms. These great products sound, you guessed it, an alarm when the window or door is opened – so you don’t have to keep on high alert at all times.
4. Gate it – safety gates:
It really does depend on your child and their disability as to the length of use you’ll get out of the standard baby gates. They can be absolute gold for those safety/danger hotspots like the kitchen, or the top of the stairs. Some manufacturers are making taller versions and you can also buy retractable ones, for days when you don’t want to have to make the grandparents/guests step over gates to get into the kitchen. You can also have a look at full sized screen/security doors in hotspot areas.
5. Sleep safety:
Everyone needs to be able to get some sleep but for some children, staying in their bed at night can be a massive challenge. Products like the Safe Surround Bed from Medifab can help keep your child safe if they are inclined to climb out of bed and wander the house.
6. Monitor things:
You can keep using a baby monitor or upgrade to a camera. There are different versions available, including ones with infrared scanning. Using monitoring equipment and seizure alert systems for children with Epilepsy is also very possible.